About Me

I am a nobody. I never believed I needed credentials or a formal education to prove my worth, and I don't think anyone else has to either. We live in a world where we have broken down many of the barriers that separated us normal nobodies from everyone else in the past. There is nothing keeping me from having access to the President of the United States or the world's greatest celebrities except social convention and that person's decision whether or not to address me.

I have spent all my years of adolescence and young adult-hood teaching myself useful skills and knowledge. Through the great accessibility of knowledge which we have these days, I have been successful in teaching my self a great deal of complex topics which interest me. I have a wide understanding of many topics throughout physics, cosmology, philosophy, medical science, chemistry, mechanics, and engineering. While my knowledge may not be as precisely detailed as someone who has spent eight to ten years in their field to be awarded a PhD, I often have a far greater understanding than a normal person without the ability and interest to teach themselves.

Some people may see me and immediately decide I am crazy. While I may be eccentric, I merely believe you assume I'm crazy because you are either unwilling or unable to understand my complexities. I'm obviously unusual given prevalent accepted ideals of society in this day, but who's to say I'm not just ahead of my time? The radical way in which I look at myself and this world just may become commonplace in time.